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HomeCLOTHINGDo babies wear socks to sleep

Do babies wear socks to sleep

Some babies sleep and love to kick the quilt, and in the morning the little feet are exposed outside, which is easy to catch a cold, so some mothers will put socks on the baby. But should babies wear socks to sleep? Generally speaking, when the weather is more suitable, the baby does not need to wear socks when sleeping, be careful that the blood circulation in the legs is not smooth, and it will affect the baby’s metabolism and make the baby feel uncomfortable. Choose socks for your baby not to pick too tight, and socks should be slightly larger, not broken, leaving room for the baby’s feet to grow

Do babies wear socks to sleep?

Some mothers are worried that the baby will sleep cold, or are afraid that the baby will kick the quilt, and will choose to let the baby wear socks to sleep to ensure that the little feet will not be cold. In fact, it is best not to put socks on the baby to sleep, wearing socks to sleep will hinder blood circulation, but also affect the baby’s sleep quality.

It is important for babies to sleep comfortably. Wearing socks and gloves while sleeping is certainly a good way to keep warm in winter, but because it hinders blood circulation, the skin’s metabolism is slowed and it is easy to dry the skin. And you should try to let the baby’s small hands and feet touch more objects, so that the baby’s tactile nerves can develop well. Wearing socks is not conducive to the baby’s contact with the outside world, and it is very uncomfortable to bind to sleep, and the baby is not easy to adapt.

If the mother is worried about the baby kicking the quilt, she can think of some other ways to keep her baby warm. For example, you can put a sleeping bag on your baby and choose a loose sleeping bag so that your baby can sleep comfortably and will not catch a cold.

3 types of babies can wear socks to sleep

1. Newborn baby

Before birth, the baby is in the womb, and the mother provides energy to maintain body temperature and all other life activities, and after birth, it depends on its own systems to regulate the body. And the newborn baby has just been born, the body is not adapted to the temperature of the outside world, and can not regulate the body temperature well, sometimes like the end parts of the body, the blood supply is inevitably very poor, the feet are cold, so it is best to sleep in loose socks for the newborn baby to keep warm.

2. Babies with poor physique

Love sick and frail babies, especially premature and low birth weight and malnourished children who are less than a month old. This kind of child has poor immunity and resistance, weak body, yang qi deficiency, the terminal parts of the body are often prone to insufficient blood supply, the body temperature is lower than that of ordinary children, more afraid of cold, easy to get sick. Therefore, in order to avoid the invasion of germs in the health of the baby, parents should still pay attention to the usual warmth of such children, and it is best to wear socks when sleeping.

3. A baby who sleeps for a long time but has cold feet

This kind of child is not bad in physique, but in a cold weather, even if he has been in the bed for a long time, the feet are still very cold, although this will not do much harm to the child’s health, but it has a great bad impact on the child’s peace of mind and sleep quality. So, put your baby in socks and sleep! Warm and comfortable sleeping conditions are better for giving children a high-quality sleep!

Why put socks on babies

Small babies do not walk and do not wear shoes, but wear socks because:

1. The thermoregulation function of small infants is not yet mature, the heat production capacity is small, and the heat dissipation capacity is large, and the body surface area is relatively large, which is easier to dissipate heat. When the ambient temperature is slightly low, the terminal circulation of the little baby is not good, touch his little feet are cool, if the baby is put on socks, it can play a certain role in keeping warm, avoid cold, and the child also feels comfortable.

2. As the little baby grows older, his ability also grows a lot, especially the lower limb activity increases a lot. When he is happy, he will dance with his hands, and when he is not happy to cry, he will often step in turmoil, so to speak, as long as it is not sleep time, he will always keep moving. In this way, the chance of damaging the skin and toes increases, and some children even wear out the skin of the heel area, and wearing socks can reduce the occurrence of these injuries.

3, the baby’s skin contact with the external environment more and more opportunities, some dirty things such as dust and other harmful substances, can invade the body through the delicate skin of children, increase the chance of infection, wear socks can play a role in cleaning and hygiene, but also prevent mosquito bites.

How to choose socks for your baby

1. Do not pick socks with too tight socks and too long socks. Little babies have completely different feet than adults, no ankles, and their calves are also thick and short. Therefore, the sock barrel should not be too long, a short section can be used. The elastic mouth of the socks should be wider, moderately tight, and spread out at the baby’s ankles without strangling the flesh.

2. After buying it back, turn the socks over and cut off all the threads inside to prevent the threads from wrapping around the toes and causing poor blood circulation. Many of the threads formed by jacquard should also be centered.

3. The most laborious place for baby socks is the sock toe and the bottom of the sock. Choose socks with tight seams and thick bottoms.

4. The socks should be slightly larger, leaving room for the growth of the baby’s feet, and it is not easy to break. Give your baby toenails clips often.

5. It is best to buy socks in pairs, and the décor is as simple as possible, which is convenient for washing and matching every day. If you lose one, you can match the same other socks.

Babies must have 4 types of socks

1. Non-slip socks: Anti-slip socks are baby socks with soft rubber patterns on the soles of the feet. Because your baby’s center of gravity is unstable and likes to run and jump, it is easy to fall on the smooth floor, so wear non-slip socks.

Note: In urban homes, the general family living room and children’s room are mainly wooden floors. Adults change into slippers, and babies can not effectively “control” slippers, the best way is not to let the baby wear slippers, directly wear non-slip socks suitable for the season.

It is recommended that families with babies do not install stone floors. The stone floor is easy to slip, causing the baby to fall; And it’s cold, and babies get cold easily. Stone-paved homes or babies must move around the kitchen and bathroom balcony, and the remedy is to put your baby in a pair of soft cloth overshoes (be careful that the cloth soles are non-slip), but not slippers.

Note: Non-slip socks are external socks, try not to wear in shoes, wear soft soled overshoes should also wear ordinary socks inside. Floor fur and assembled foam mats help prevent slipping.

2. Thin cotton socks: baby summer socks. Choosing nylon stockings for your baby is the most wrong choice. Nylon stockings look thin and actually cover their feet more. Thin cotton socks should pay attention to the choice of color, there are darker color blocks are best not selected, because the baby’s sweating may cause the color blocks to be discolored. The simpler the sock, the higher the insurance factor.

Note: It is strictly forbidden to use socks (including such shoes and insoles) with drugs to relieve sweat and odor for babies, and replace them with daily cleaning. Various sprays are also not available.

3. Cotton socks: for spring and autumn. Thicker and denser than thin cotton socks. Please do not buy socks sold in stalls or unreliable stores, which are often mixed with low-quality cotton or large quantities of acrylon, please buy genuine products with 100% or more pure cotton texture.

4, wool socks / cashmere socks: baby winter socks, must be pure wool / cashmere texture, some mothers to girls wear tight pantyhose, especially high elastic acrylic socks, is a very wrong choice. Because the texture of the baby’s socks should not choose acrylic, let alone too tight. Socks can have a certain degree of elasticity, that is, there is a small amount of lycra ingredients, but the main ingredients must also be cotton and wool.


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